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Mohism: Battle Of Words Free Download

 Mohism: Battle Of Words Free Download

Mohism: Battle Of Words Free Download

Mohism: Battle of Words is a detective game set in the world of wuxia. You play as Zhang Xiaochen, a young Rift Watcher, navigating through a series of unsolved cases at his master’s behest and eventually becoming a master detective. This is not a traditional wuxia game, as our protagonist Xiaochen knows no martial arts. Instead, you must rely on wits and rhetoric to reveal the truth and best the opponents. Find the true culprit and ensure justice prevails! Mohism: Battle of Words comes with 4 individual cases that together tell a complete story. Key dialog segments feature voice acting to improve the immersive experience of the investigative process. Pay attention to the subtle changes in tone and key hints hidden within. Follow the footsteps of Xiaochen as he enters the tumultuous world of wuxia and uncovers a massive conspiracy!

Mohism: Battle Of Words Free Download

Intrigue at the Tang Keep
Tang Hechun, the Master of the Tang Keep in central Sichuan, is suddenly found murdered in a locked room. Investigate and reveal the untold secrets behind this crime.
Murder under Our Noses
Despite its neutral stance, the Rift Watchers are about to face violent tribulation. How would its disciples respond to the threat?
Slaughter in the Shrine
Zhang Xiaochen and his companions, Criminal Affairs, the Secret Service, and mysterious assailants in black have all gathered in this remote shrine. What fate awaits our heroes?
The Case on the Lake
Director Miao Xiang of the Secret Service is found dead in his personal study within the heavily guarded Secret Service headquarters… and the suspect is the statue within the room?

Mohism: Battle Of Words Free Download
